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Updated 30/12/2015



INFO 22/08/2009

The covered terrace is finished!

At the time of the 8th TIM, I had addressed a request to Mr. Rene GIBAULT, le Président de la Communauté de Communes, informing him of the difficulties that we met with each big competition to put up the structure of our awning in order to accommodate our many hosts. After discussion, it appeared that financing of the supply of a fixed structure was possible providing that we carried out work. At that time nothing more was done but as 2009 approached, the year when we were to organize two important competitions, it was time to act.

The municipal employees constructed the concrete base, the structure was manufactured by our efforts and was galvanized before being assembled then covered. Side covers will make it possible to fully enclose the terrace against bad weather, therefore a new reception area is at our disposal.

The inauguration took place on 22nd August, at the start of the banquet at the Championship of France, in the presence of Mr. le Président de la Communauté de Communes, Mr. Rémi GAULT, le Maire de Rouillé and several elected officials of the canton. Each contributor to this enterprise also received an invitation so that he could be publicly thanked.


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